Anabaptist HealthShare PO Box 343 Madison, VA 22709
Phone (540-717-2115) Email: anabaptisthealthshare@gmail.com
Website: anabaptisthealthshare.com
Anabaptist International Ministries (AIM) P.O. Box 62 Guys Mills, PA 16327
Phone (814) 789-2226 Email:mblehman@fbep.org
Melvin Lehman Chairman
AIM Field Director John Smucker Krolewiec 10A, 05-300 Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland
Phone 011-48-25-759-9499 Email jolasmucker@terramail.pl
All-Nations Bible Translation 150 All Nations Lane State College, PA 16801
Phone (717) 831-8228 Website:allnationsbibletranslation.org
Amish Mennonite Aid (AMA) 2178C 17000 Rd Oswego, KS 67356
Ronald Miller Secretary/Treasurer
Phone (620) 795-2882 Email amasec.tr@gmail.com
Amish Mennonite Publications 6523 Township Rd. 346, Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone (330) 674-7679
Appointed Harvesters Ministries Kampala, Uganda, EAST AFRICA,
Melvin Yoder: 188 Enterprise Lane, Jesup, GA 31545
Phone (912) 530-9022 Email: melara@jesup.net
Australian Christian Brotherhood 133 Madison 1351, Huntsville, AR 72740
Ken Kauffman Phone (479) 559-2162 Email: kandbkauffman@gmail.com
Jason Kauffman 4 Tin Can Bay Rd, Gympie QLD 4570
Phone (07) 5483-7741 Cell 0423-568-288 Email: jasonkauffman@bigpond.com.au
Bald Eagle Wilderness Boys Camp 1077 Wilderness Trail, Mill Hall, PA 17751
Phone (570) 748-4543 Fax (570) 748-7009
Believers Fellowship Prison Ministry, R 2, Box 61M, Worthington, IN 47471
Lehman Martin Phone (812) 875-3325
Belize Mission, Shalom Mennonite Church
Tim Miller Email:timrhoda@gmail.com
Bethel Bible School 1107 Backwoods Rd, Seymour, MO 65746
Ph. (417) 935-4664 David Miller (417) 935-2131
Blue Ridge International for Christ (BRIC) 7580 Converse Huff Rd, Plain City, OH 43064
Phone (614) 873-4879
Blue Ridge International for Christ- Haiti, 2310 TR 4444 Rt 2, Sugarcreek, OH, 44681
Eli Mast, Jr. (330) 893-2972
Broken Bread Ministries c/o Living Hope Ministries P.O. Box 76 Arthur, IL 61911
Brotherhood Publications, 19308 Air View Rd, Hagerstown, MD, 21742
Luke A Martin (717) 597-2915
Calvary Bible School (CBS) School address: 6466 County Rd. 73, Calico Rock, AR 72519
Phone (870) 297-8658 Fax (870) 297-4009
Summer address: Floyd Stoltzfus 186 Skyline Drive, New Holland, PA 17557
Phone (717) 354-8039
Casa Hogar Una Luz Encendida (Shining Light Children's Home), Tijuana, MEXICO
Phone 001-526-64-689-5592 Nelson Burkholder: chm (717) 314-8667
Cayo Deaf Institute US Contact: Finger Christian Fellowship CDI P.O. Box 3 Finger, TN
Derick Sutherland (731) 989-8115 38334
Eddie T Penner Box 416 Spanish Lookout, Belize Central America
Charity Christian Missions 59 S. Groffdale Rd.Leola, PA 17540
Phone: (717) 656-4155 Fax: (717) 656-3279 Email: charitymissions@frontiernet.net
Chestnut Street Christian School 110 Chestnut St. Bradford, PA 16701
Ph. (814) 362-2809 Email:kevrgroff@gmail.com Website:chestnutstreetchristianschool.org
Choice Books of Northern Virginia (CBNOVA) P.O. Box 4080, Manassas, VA 20136
Phone (703) 530-9993 Fax (703) 530-9983
Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) P.O. Box 360, Berlin, OH 44610
Phone (330) 893-2428 Fax (330) 893-2305
Christian Correspondence and Counsel, PO Box 1100, Nazareth, Ethiopia, AFRICA
Phone 011-251-211-2550 James R Petre (301) 478-2156
Christian Education Ministries, 108 South Second, Grandview, TX, 76050
Harold Friesen Phone (254) 337-0504
Christian Light PO Box 1212 Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1212 (formerly CLP & CLE)
Phone (540) 434-0768 Fax (540) 433-8896
Email: info@clp.org Website: clp.org
Christian Mission Charities (CMC) P.O. Box 523, 310 E Washington St, Middlebury IN 46543
Phone (574) 642-4025
Cold Springs Mennonite Missions, PO Box 196, Abbeville, SC, 29620
Phone (864) 446-2154 Dennis Stoll (864) 378-2759 Fax (864) 446-2359
Comeragh Wilderness Camp c/o Mission Interest Committee 13200 CR 20 Middlebury, IN
Newsletter: Melvin Glick 1080 Return Church Rd Seneca, SC 29678 46540
Conservative Anabaptist Service Program (CASP)
Call CAM listed above.
For Beachy churches branch of CASP. Contact Elmer J. Miller (574) 642-3056 Goshen, IN.
Conservative and Amish Mennonite Mutual Aid Association
13841 US 20, Middlebury, IN 46540 Phone (574) 825-5644
Conservative Mennonite Fellowship Missions, Chimaltenango, Guatemala
William C. Byler, Treasurer: 414 Center Point Rd, Thurman, OH 45688 Phone (740) 245-9706
Deeper Life Ministries, 51323 Converse Huff Road, Plain City, OH, 43064
Phone (614) 873-1199 Fax (614) 873-8811 Email deeperlifeohio@juno.com
Lester Coblentz (614) 873-1199
DestiNations International 51 Logan Street Brooklyn, NY 11208
Phone: (718) 827-1036
Allen Roth, President (917) 327-0154 E-mail: destinationsint@gmail.com
Eagle Wings Discipleship Ministries, Rt 3, Port Elgin, ON, NOH 2C7, CANADA
Phone (519) 832-2520 Fax (519) 832-2525
Allen Miller (Administrator) Phone (519) 832-2520 Fax (519) 832-2525
Eastern Mennonite Publications, 40 Woodcorner Rd., Ephrata, PA, 17522
Phone (717) 733-7998 Fax (717) 733-2557
Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Care Center, 200 W. Kending Road, Willow Street, PA Phone (717) 464-3558 17584
Ebenezer Discipleship Ministries, 367 Monterey Rd, Bird in Hand, PA, 17505
Phone (888) 684-0420
Ebenezer Mennonite Bible School 6560 York Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362
J. Elvin Horst (717) 949-3983
Fair Play Camp School 347 Wilderness Trail, Westminster, SC 29693
Phone (864) 647-4311 Fax (864) 647-4314 E-mail camp@fairplaycamp.net
Faith Builders Educational Programs 28500 Guys Mills Road, Guys Mills, PA 16327
Phone (814) 789-4518 Fax (814) 789-3396 E-mail fbep@fbep.org
Faith Mission Home 3540 Mission Home Ln, Free Union, VA 22940
Phone (434) 985-2294 Fax (434) 985-2128
Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites P.O. Box 106 Harrisonburg,VA 22803
Five Loaves Ministry
P.O. Box 157
Russell, MA 01071
Freedom Hills Ministries 5510 TR 419,Sugarcreek OH 44681
Phone (330) 893-3857 Fax (330) 893-4044 E-mail freedomhills@valkyrie.net
Fresh Start Training Center, 5 Industrial Park Drive, Washington, IN, 47501
Tim Weaver 812-254-3399, Fax: 812-254-4377
Ghana Mission and Bible Courses P.O. Box AH 1218, Achimota, Accra, Ghana, West Africa
David Van Pelt (330) 482-4222 Phone 011-23321-405-012 Fax 011-23321-405-012
Marvin Good Phone (330) 682-3176
Haitian Relief and Missions Inc. P.O. Box 433 Berlin, OH 44610
Phone (330) 893-2809
Heralds of Hope, Inc. PO Box 3 Breezewood, PA 15533-0003
Phone (717) 485-4021 E-mail: hope@heraldsofhope.org
Heritage Mennonite Bible School 3214 Royston Hwy., Hartwell, GA 30643
Ph. (706) 376-1200 Edgar Strite (706) 376-4808
Hillcrest Home 1111 Maplewood Rd., Harrison, AR 72601
Phone (870) 741-5001 Fax (870) 741-3741 E-mail: HillcrestHome@juno.com
Honduras Mission, Apartado Postal 278, Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras
Philip R. Ebersole Phone 011-504-773-4816 Fax 011-504-773-3735
Hope Mennonite Missions, 14527 Whiskey Hill Rd, Hubbard, OR 97032
James Roth Phone (503) 982-5032
Institute For Global Opportunities (IGo) 191/38 Mooban Koolpunt Ville 5 Maeheah,
Muang District Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand
Phone 053-328-615 Email: IGOASIA@hotmail.com
India Development Committee, 3307 S. Mohawk Rd, Hutchinson, KS 67501
Merle Yoder Phone (316) 728-0217 Fax (316) 728-0217 Email:miyoder@juno.com
International Brotherhood Aid PO Box 143 Russellville, OH 45168
Email: iba.ukraine@gmail.com Luke Coblentz (606) 748-6049
International Faith Missions, 5553 County Rd. 79 A Saint Joe, IN. 46785
Phone (330) 439-6468 Email: ifm-hdr@juno.com Website ifmhaiti.org
Cell: (260) 704-0589
Ivan Miller - mission director Keith Martin - US Secretary
Jungle Breezes Youth Ministries (JBYM) 32 Hill Street RR #2
Wallenstein, ON Canada N0B 2S0 Website: jbym.ca
Lantern Books, 250 Hergelrode Dr, Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone (717) 866-7129
Life Ministries 250 Meadow Lane, Conestoga, PA 17516
Phone (717) 871-0540 Fax (717) 871-0547 E-mail:info@life-ministries.com
Living Water Mennonite Church & Christian Ministry
108 N Lakeshore Drive Provo, Utah 84601
Phone (801) 372-4577 Email:millers@livingwaterutah.com Website:livingwaterutah.com
Macedonian Teaching Ministry (MTM) Chiang Mai, Thailand
Phone (+66) 053-838-530 Email: raymond@rayburkholder.com
Maranatha Bible School 26724 541 Ave. Box 123 Lansing, MN 55950
Ph. (507) 433-6642 Dennis Martin (507) 477-3216
Master's International Ministries (MIM) RR2 Wellesley ON NOB T20
Phone (519) 656-2330 Fax (519) 656-3211 E-mail edm@cyg.net
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) Vernon J. Miller 5002 S. Dean Rd.Hutchinson, Ks. 67501
Phone:620-662-1584 Email: vernon@afo.net
Mennonite Disabilities Committee (MDC Goldenrod)
1514 College Avenue Goshen, IN 46526
Phone (574) 533-9720 ext 6 Cell (574) 971-0813 Greg Sommers Website: mdcgoldenrod.org
Mennonite Fellowship Home, 12349 Huyett Lane, Hagerstown, MD 12740
Phone (301) 733-8040 John Sensinig
Mennonite Home PO Box 670, Maugansville, MD, 21767
Phone (301) 733-5899 James Miller Phone (301) 739-4046
Mennonite Messianic Mission, Inc.,40 Woodcorner Rd, Eprata, PA 17522
Mervin E. Martin Phone (717) 367-4007
Mennonite Motorist Aid (MMA) Freeman W Byler 8688 St. Rt. 534 Windsor, OH 44099
Phone (440) 272 5828 Email: freemaryfam@fairpoint.net
Messiah Bible School P.O. Box 18 Carbon Hill, OH 43111
Ph. (740) 753-3571 Fax (740) 753-4597
Leroy Stutzman, chairman (705) 647-8211
Mexico Mennonite Aid Melvin L. Yoder 6838 Millersburg Rd. Gambier, OH 43022
Phone (740) 427-4269 Fax (740) 427-3528
Office: P.O. Box 150 Nappanee, IN 46550 Email: mexmenaid@mxma.org
Phone/Fax (574) 773-2565
MIssion Interest Committee (MIC) Marvin Weirich 13200 County Rd 20 Middlebury, IN 46540
Phone (574) 825-2827
E-mail: mweirich@afo.net
Mission Resource Network (MRN) 11457 Beech Rd, Bourbon, IN 46504
Phone (574) 536-4194
E-mail: yo14ptl@missionresourcenetwork.com
Mount Zion Literature Ministry (MZL), P.O. Box 37, Clarkrange, TN 38553
Phone: (931) 863-8183 Fax (931) 863-8183 Email: mzlministry@volfirst.net Andrew Yoder
Mountain Anthems, 411 Springs Rd., Grantsville, MD, 21536
Email sales@mountainanthems.com
Menno Beachy Phone (814) 662-2433 Email: director@moutainanthems.com
Mountain View Nursing Home 1776 Elly Rd. Aroda, VA 22709
Phone (540) 948-6831
New Horizons Ministries 2956 E. Main St. Canon City, CO 81212
Website: newhorizonsministries.net
Numidia Mennonite Bible School 31 Ringtown Mountain Rd, Box 26 Numidia, PA 17858
Ph. (570) 799-5660 Fax (570) 799-5691
Stanley C Wine 240 Fox Rd Lebanon, PA 17042
Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp 44642 Zerger Quarry Rd, Summerfield, OH 43788
Phone: (740) 838-4908 Email: info@ohioboyscamp.org
Website: ohioboyscamp.org
Olive Branch Mennonite Missions 2486 Lebanon Road, Manheim, PA 17545
Phone (717) 336-6350 Email: obmission@juno.com
Peace Ministries 232 N Franklin St. Hanover, PA 17331
Phone (717) 637-0939 Email: peaceministrieshanover@gmail.com
Penn Valley Christian Retreat 7980 Ferguson Valley Rd, McVeytown, PA 17051
Phone (717) 899-5000 Fax (717) 899-7295 Email: pvcr@juno.com
Philippine Witness
Box 103
Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0
Pilgrim Mennonite Bible School 1379 Kokomo Rd. Kokomo, MS 39643
Ph. (601) 736-8467 Dan Ruppert (314) 725-6814
Reaching Out 17563 County Hwy AA Sparta, WI 54656
Phone (608) 269-2277 Roger Berry: Phone (417) 935-4639
Reach Out Ministries 110 Chestnut Street Bradford, PA 16701
Cell: (814) 558-3275 Email:kevrgroff@gmail.com
Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute (SMBI) 7304 Lincoln Hwy Harrisonville, PA 17228
Phone (717) 485-4341 Fax (717) 485-0641 E-mail: smbi1@juno.com
Still Waters Ministries 285 Antioch Rd. Clarkson, KY 42726
Phone (270) 242-0459 Fax (270) 242-3529
United Christian Mission Esperanza Village, Cayo District, Belize
Ph. 011-501-824-4012 Email: ucm@btl.net
Treasurer: Calvin Yoder 30795 CR 46 Wakarusa, IN 46573 Ph. (574) 862-1638
Virginia Mennonite Property Aid 901 Parkwood Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Phone (800) 830-0311 Fax (540) 434-7627 E-mail: VMAPlan@aol.com

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This page contains a listing of many of the missions and vs projects that are currently active among our people.
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Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
Mark 10:29-30
The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers into his harvest.
Luke 10:2