Distribute food, clothing, medicines, seeds, Bibles, and Christian literature, mostly to needy children/orphans and Christians in response to the command "...do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." (Galatians 6:10)
Our Disaster Response Services program rebuilds in natural disaster areas in the USA, and the International Crisis program helps victims of war, famine, and natural disasters throughout the world.
Staff, warehouses, and distribution networks in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Liberia.
Orphanage and dairy farm in Romania, medical clinics in Haiti and Nicaragua, and Bible-teaching seminars in Eastern Europe and Nicaragua.
Help people help themselves through self-help projects.
Work with and assist native churches and/or existing mission groups that function in accordance with CAM's statement of faith.
Promote the good news of the Gospel throughout the world by printing and distributing Bibles and Christian literature.
Assist selected church-planting efforts under the Ministerial Committee's leadership and in joint efforts with stateside churches.
Provide Christian leadership training for national church leaders, school directors, teachers, and others, equipping them to minister to their own people.
CAM's main purposes of giving material aid are:
To help and encourage God's people. To help bring the gospel to a lost and dying world.


International Headquarters
Christian Aid Ministries
PO Box 360
Berlin, OH 44610
Phone (330) 893-2428
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith
Galatians 6:10
Actions and Operations
Organizational Structure
CAM is controlled by a 12-member Board of Directors and operated by a three-member Executive Committee.
The organizational structure includes an Audit Review Committee, Executive Council, Ministerial Committee, and a number of Department Managers.
Support Base
CAM is supported entirely by contributions from concerned individuals and churches (largely Amish, conservative Mennonite, and other Anabaptist-affiliated groups) throughout the USA, Canada, Mexico, and a number of other countries.
It is CAM's conviction that donor's first responsibility is to their local church. We do not want people giving to CAM instead of their local church.
CAM's international headquarters are in Berlin, Ohio.
In Ephrata, Pennsylvania, we have a 55,000 sq. Ft. distribution center where food parcels are packed and other relief shipments organized. Next to the distribution center is our meat canning facility.
CAM also operates five clothing centers located in Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada where clothing, footwear, comforters, and fabric are received, sorted, and prepared for shipment overseas.
Office and Warehouses
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Aside from management, supervisory personnel, and bookkeeping operations, CAM is largely a volunteer organization.
Each year, volunteers at our warehouses, Disaster Response Services, and International Crisis projects donate over 100,000 hours. Volunteers -the backbone of CAM- help pack food parcels, sort clothing, stuff newsletter packets, can meat, rebuild in natural disaster areas, and help with various other projects.
A Channel enabling the
Church to
Minister to
Physical and
Spiritual needs
around the world